April 28, 2024
June 29, 2024
I rarely look to the past.
I remember being told once by a handwriting expert that I lived totally in the present. He could tell by the way my writing was literally bolt upright – no slanting to the left or right. Maybe because I was widowed in my 20’s and felt there was no real reason to have a long term plan – who knows? Whatever the reason, this is how I’ve lived my life.
So, our topic for June is something I am having to really consider.
“If you met yourself for the first time, what would you like most about yourself?”
What would you appreciate? What would you be drawn to about you? What would you think was unique about you?
Please come and join us in the conversation! We welcome you to share, listen and gain from our wise and wonderful community. We want to hear you and learn from you.
We have two dates/times and you are most welcome to attend both meetings.
Wednesday June 12th at 5pm UK, 12 noon ET.
Register here to receive the zoom link:
OR Wednesday June 26th at 9.30 am UK and 6.30pm AEST – PLEASE NOTE THE EARLIER TIME
Register for the zoom link here:
I really look forward to seeing you.