October 28, 2021
November 19, 2021
It’s Autumn.
In Feng Shui, this season is represented by the metal element. Like trees shedding their leaves, it’s the time we let go of what no longer serves us. This way, we create space for what we truly need.
Look around your living space. Are there items in your home, or your closet, that it’s time to say “goodbye” to?
Do you have an emotional response to people, or events of the past, that is weighing you down?
Quality is a byword of metal. Can you refine and upscale? Buy less, use it more?
Can you add more beauty into your life?
You can add metal to your clothing using pastels, rounded shapes and anything metallic. Creating a routine or structure in your day will also help. As will organic food, white vegetables e.g. cauliflower, pungent flavours e.g. garlic, arranged in a beautifully, aesthetic way. It’s the element that is most affected by the visual so ensure spaces are clutter free. Lastly, metal is concerned with appreciation so keeping a gratitude diary empowers you to treasure what is precious to you.
These small changes help determine what is important in life.
What can you change?